I will strive for technical excellence in the IT profession by maintaining and enhancing my own knowledge and skills. I acknowledge that there are many free resources available on the Internet and affordable books and that the lack of my employer’s training budget is not an excuse nor limits my ability to stay current in IT.
When possible I will demonstrate my performance capability with my skills via projects, leadership, and/or accredited educational programs and will encourage others to do so as well.
I will not hesitate to seek assistance or guidance when faced with a task beyond my abilities or experience. I will embrace other professionals’ advice and learn from their experiences and mistakes. I will treat this as an opportunity to learn new techniques and approaches. When the situation arises that my assistance is called upon, I will respond willingly to share my knowledge with others.
I will strive to convey any knowledge (specialist or otherwise) that I have gained to others so everyone gains the benefit of each other’s knowledge.
I will teach the willing and empower others with Industry Best Practices (IBP). I will offer my knowledge to show others how to become security professionals in their own right. I will strive to be perceived as and be an honest and trustworthy employee.
I will not advance private interests at the expense of end users, colleagues, or my employer.
I will not abuse my power. I will use my technical knowledge, user rights, and permissions only to fulfill my responsibilities to my employer.
I will avoid and be alert to any circumstances or actions that might lead to conflicts of interest or the perception of conflicts of interest. If such circumstance occurs, I will notify my employer or business partners.
I will not steal property, time or resources.
I will reject bribery or kickbacks and will report such illegal activity.
I will report on the illegal activities of myself and others without respect to the punishments involved. I will not tolerate those who lie, steal, or cheat as a means of success in IT.